
The Flash Introduces the Kid Flash of the Future

In Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter’s The Flash #761, DC introduces a new Kid Flash, who operates in the far future of the 853rd century.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Flash #761, by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi and Steve Wands, on sale now.

In recent issues of The Flash, Eobard Thawne has assembled his very own Legion of Zoom. The super villain traveled across time and recruited some of the Scarlet Speedsters’ worst enemies throughout history. While Thawne’s Reverse-Flash Family was comprised of a handful of villains at first, he unveiled the full scope of his Legion at the end of The Flash #760. Indeed, the Reverse-Flash actually had assembled dozens of enemies to take on Barry Allen and the Flash Family. Now, with issue #761, the battle between the two teams begins.

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But before plunging into the fight, issue #761 takes a brief side trip to the far future — the 853rd century, to be exact. And here, DC introduces a new Kid Flash.

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The Flash #761 opens with a trip to the 853rd century, far away from Earth on the planet Mercury. There, we find the Future Flash, John Fox at his base of operations. But John isn’t alone. He’s also accompanied by his very own Kid Flash, a young, green-skinned alien girl who runs alongside him.

Outside of Kid Flash, this new character doesn’t get a name, which means her secret identity remains a mystery for the time being. Her costume is similar to John Fox’s, in that it primarily features a lightning bolt going across the outfit. The only difference between John and Kid Flash’s costume is that the lighting bolt’s direction is mirrored, and the color scheme is not red and yellow, but crimson and white.

Together, they watch a recording of the battle between the Flash Family and the Legion of Zoom, and John tells his sidekick how important this moment is. “That is a time imprint of an important moment in our history. It’s a day that changed the Flash forever.”

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However, while multiple other Flashes from across both time and space join the fight against Thawne’s Reverse-Flash Family, John Fox and Kid Flash stay put in the 853rd century. The young sidekick is eager to join the fight and help, but John insists they stay back because, in truth, this is a tragic day.

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