
The Adventures Continue Reveals How a Key DCAU Alliance Crumbled

Batman: The Adventures Continue just shattered one of the most important relationships from Batman: The Animated Series and the DC Animated Universe.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers from Batman: The Adventures Continue #11 by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, Ty Templeton, Mark Morales, Monica Kubina and Josh Reed, on sale now.

Over the years, Leslie Thompkins has became a central figure in Gotham City. At one time, she was one of Batman’s closest allies. For the Dark Knight, this alliance was a match made in heaven, as Thompkins consistently stitched him up after his rough nights of crime-fighting. In the same way that she helped raise a young Bruce Wayne, Thompkins also gave medical care to Batman’s various numerous sidekicks. But eventually, Thompkins took drastic measures to voice her disapproval of the Caped Crusader’s methods, which created a permanent fracture in their relationship. Batman: The Adventures Continue #11 shines some light on the downfall of this relationship. In a cuttingly honest conversation, Thompkins reveals the source of the divide.

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When the Dark Knight tells Thompkins that Jason Todd is alive, she quickly blames the Dark Knight to keep Todd from endangering himself. Thompkins points out that Batman didn’t do enough to stop Todd when the reckless Robin went off the rails. She also states that Batman should consider the ultimate costs of his war on crime. Thompkins doesn’t elaborate beyond questioning whether it’s time for Bruce Wayne to hang up his cowl. But it’s also easy to fill in the blanks; as someone who has cared for the Bat-Family, Thompkins is well aware of the dangers caused by Batman’s war on crime.

Related: Batman: How Jason Todd FINALLY Fits Into the Animated Series World

Batman and Dr. Thompkins In Batman: The Adventures Continue #11

Thompkins seemingly blames Batman for manipulating Todd, a young man who took far too many risks. In a flashback, Thompkins tells Todd she’s worried because he walks around thinking he’s invincible. For an inexperienced crime-fighter, that’s a recipe for disaster. Thompkins faults Batman for putting Todd and other children in danger, a concern that echoes the source of their split in the mainstream comics.

During 2004’s “War Games” storyline, Thompkins reaches boiling point. Having helped Batman since she debutedin Denny O’Neil and Dick Giordano’s Detective Comics #457. she’s tired of seeing the Dark Knight endanger kids, so she takes a hands-on approach in her hopes of teaching Batman a crucial lesson. Desperate to make the Dark Knight see the error of his ways, Thompkins fakes Spoiler’s death. This loss devastates the Caped Crusader, but when he learns of Thompkins’ deception, his heartbreak quickly turns to anger. Batman flies across the world to confront Thompkins, who tries to justify her actions.

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Thompkins says she was trying to end the cycle of violence; she hoped Spoiler’s death would discourage other teens who hoped to fight alongside Batman. The Dark Knight counters by saying that Thompkins’ actions were heinous because she made herself judge, jury and executioner. Batman argues that Thompkins’ crimes made her just like every other murderer. At the end of this impactful conversation, the relationship between Thompkins and Batman is irrevocably damaged. Thompkins thinks the Dark Knight is the catalyst of an endless trail of death and destruction, and Batman believes Thompkins has lost her moral compass.

In this issue, it seems as though a different sequence of events effectively led to a similar falling out here, with Jason Todd serving as the breaking point between the two.

The DC Universe has been rebooted multiple times since Batman and Thompkins had their falling out, but the two remain at odds. Though some of the Bat-Family has forgiven her, these two haven’t put aside their differences. Thompkins has returned to Gotham and resumed her business of running a clinic, despite Batman’s stern warning that he’ll turn her in if she ever practices medicine again. Thompkins also maintains her disdain for the Dark Knight’s perpetual recruitment of young adults in his violent mission to protect Gotham at all costs. She’s particularly disturbed by the team assembled in Detective Comics, which included young heroes Orphan, Spoiler and Red Robin. Likewise, Batman remains stubborn, as he hasn’t fully forgiven Thompkins for her betrayal.

They say that time heals all wounds, but that’s not the case with the hurt feelings between Batman and Leslie Thompkins. Batman: The Adventures Continue #11, which continues to expand the mythos of its legendary source material, shows fans why the Dark Knight and Thompkins, who used to be close friends, have forcibly drifted apart in two universesThompkins blames the Caped Crusader for Todd’s death and, even when Batman tells her that the former Robin is alive, she doesn’t forgive him. Thompkins continues to detest Batman’s pattern of endangering teenagers and echoes a sentiment stated by many other concerned parties; Gotham’s children might be better off if Batman were to retire. Based on Todd’s and Spoiler’s near-death experiences, Thompkins might have a point.

KEEP READING: Batman: The Adventures Continue Reveals What Happened to Jason Todd

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