
Sharon Carter Just Got Called Out For HORRIBLE Leadership

Captain America #22 just saw one of his most important allies get called out for horrible leadership that might have just doomed the Marvel Universe.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers from Captain America #22 by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Bob Quinn, Matt Milla, Alanna Smith, Martin Biro, Carlos Lao, Tom Brevoort and VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

Captain America #22 has thrown the Sentinel of Liberty for a loop as he, Falcon and Bucky Barnes try to stop the mutant psychic vampire Selene in Ohio. But the vampire queen’s no easy fight and this leaves Sharon Carter feeling lost as she doesn’t know what to do to help him.

As she tries to work out a plan, help arrives in the form of Shuri from Wakanda. The princess doesn’t mince words at all as she calls out Sharon for poor leadership.

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Captain America has to get piece of Sharon’s soul back from Selene in order to restore Sharon’s youth, but it’s wreaking havoc on her mind as she works with the Daughters of Liberty to stop the Power Elite. Complicating matters is the fact that General Ross, who the public believes was killed by Captain America, was recently revealed to be alive and working in conjunction with the Power Elite.

A new hope arrives when Agatha Harkness shows up with the Black Panther’s sister and technological genius Princess Shuri. However, Shuri is disappointed that Sharon didn’t already call on her for help considering that the two have been allies since Sharon helped save Wakanda from Ezekiel Stane. Shuri chides her, politely and from a place of love, reminding her they need to stick together.

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Sharon is adamant that her team needs to find a way to stand on its own but Shuri reminds the veteran about unity. Sharon needs to let go of her ego and pride and ask for help when she needs it. Shuri’s a firm believer in this as it’s helped her people so much, trailing back to the first alliance between Black Panther and Steve Rogers that formed out of their relationship as fellow Avengers. It’s something needed more than ever with the Red Skull being the ultimate mastermind behind the Power Elite.

Sharon takes the words to heart but with her soul on the line, she still feels that the fight is personal. Sharon has grown tired of asking for help and feeling weak while others risk their lives on her behalf. But this confidence booster is just what she needs, inspiring her to don the Iron Patriot armor and teleport into the field with Agatha and Shuri providing back-up. With trust in her heart, Sharon has belief and hope burning bright again, two of the most important tools for any ally of the Sentinel of Liberty to possess.

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