
Final Issue Preview Reveals Marvel’s One, True King of Space

Marvel Comics has released a preview of the sixth and final issue of Empyre ahead its release this Wednesday.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers from Empyre #5 by Al Ewing, Dan Slott, Valerio Schiti, Marte Gracia, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

The Marvel Comics event series Empyre officially comes to an end this Wednesday, Sept. 2, with the release of issue #6. As such, the House of Ideas has revealed a preview of the issue on its website, declaring, “There can be only one King of Space — and it’s the last liege standing!”

“[A]s combat rages on, the clock ticks down to catastrophe!” says Marvel. “Will the ultimate interstellar weapon fry planet Earth before or after all sentient life on the planet is wiped out? The Avengers and the Fantastic Four are tested as never before — as Empyre comes to a pulse-pounding finish!”

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The preview pages join Reed Richards and Tony Stark at Avengers Mountain, who are assessing their situation as the interstellar conflict reaches its climax. Meanwhile, there is dissension in the ranks of the Kree/Skull Alliance as Captain Glory clashes with R’Klll, who was revealed to have disguised herself as Hulkling to lead the alliance. Finally, the real Hulkling poses a plan to Captain Marvel and Human Torch, though informs Wiccan that he will not be joining them, saying, “I’m sorry, hon — I’m needed here. I’m the king.”

Written by Al Ewing and Dan Slott and illustrated by Valerio Schiti, Empyre #6 goes on sale Sept. 2 from Marvel Comics.

KEEP READING: Marvel Celebrates Its Latest Superhero Marriage in Empyre: Avengers Aftermath

(via Marvel)

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