
Every Marvel Hero Who Could Be the Next Phoenix, Explained

As the next Avengers epic, “Enter The Phoenix” approaches, these Marvel heroes and villains are possible new inhabitants for the Phoenix Force.

While Marvel’s Empyre event is still in full swing, the publisher has announced the Avenger’s next adventure — “Enter The Phoenix.” The Phoenix Force is back in a big way and Marvel gave a sneak peek of the next Phoenix through a series of variant covers. Each one of the Marvel icons makes an interesting case to receive this cosmic force’s fiery gifts. Whoever gets them will instantly become one of the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe.

Now, we’re taking a closer look at each of these candidates to see why they might be the next in line to wield the Phoenix Force.

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Captain America

Captain America has been waging war against the Cotati forces on Earth during Marvel’s ongoing Empyre crossover, while also dealing with the continuing machinations of the Power Elite in his solo title. The Sentinel of Liberty makes an interesting case for the Phoenix Force because he’s the noblest and most straight-forward hero who’s a potential candidate on the list. The Phoenix Force is most known for the destruction it can bring, so this would be a fun twist for these force to merge. It would also be interesting to see how Cap would combine his new cosmic-fire powers with his penchant for shield throwing and fisticuffs.

Black Panther

Black Panther met his end at the point of the Swordman’s blade in Empyre #5 by Al Ewing, Dan Slott, Valerio Schiti, Marte Garcia and Joe Caramagna. While Black Panther seems to be out of the picture for the time being, there may be no better way to resurrect King T’Challa than with the help of the Phoenix Force. This could be an easy way to bring him back into the fold while also giving him a brand new skill set to play with while also giving the Phoenix Force a good-natured and noble character to synergize with.


Namor Phoenix

Namor has already danced with the Phoenix Force previously and it resulted in the destruction of Wakanda during the Avengers vs. X-Men crossover. Namor summoned the Phoenix Force to Earth, but never wielded its full power — instead, it was divided amongst the Phoenix Five who consisted of Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik, and Namor. After calling the Phoenix back to Earth recently, it would be interesting to see what Namor would do if he was given access the Phoenix Force’s full power, especially considering how angry he is with the surface world right now.

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Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom Phoenix

While Doctor Doom answers to his own moral code, he’s still one of the most infamous villains in the Marvel Universe. If Doctor Doom is the Phoenix Force’s next host, it could result in a new cataclysmic-level villain for the Avengers to face off with. While we’ve seen the corrupting influence of the Dark Phoenix plenty of times before, we’ve never really seen the Phoenix bond with an outright villain, and that could take the cosmic force’s power to terrifying new heights.


She-Hulk Phoenix

As Empyre #4 confirmed, She-Hulk has Quoi, the Cotati messiah, infected She-Hulk with spores and turned her against the Avengers and Fantastic Four. Alien flora ripped She-Hulk apart from the inside and mutated her into a Cotai controlled abomination that absolutely destroys Ben Grimm in hand-to-hand combat and nearly beats him to death. Marvel could use the Phoenix Force to restore She-Hulk back to her former glory while also giving her a brand-new skill set that make her an even stronger powerhouse than she already is.

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