
The MCU’s Bereet Has a WILD History With the Hulk

Bereet was a fairly minor character in Guardians of the Galaxy, yet her comic book history makes the Krylorian full of storytelling potential.

Many characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe appear to be minor players in the grand scheme of things, especially when their appearances are brief or especially comedic. Given a deeper look, however, some of these minor characters have a rich history in the comics. This is especially true of Guardians of the Galaxy’s Bereet.

Bereet’s first and only appearance in the MCU was in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. In the beginning of the movie, Star-Lord retrieves the orb containing an Infinity Stone on the planet Morag. The outlaw flees from the planet, pursued by servants of Ronan the Accuser. After this high-octane chase scene, Bereet finally emerges from the bottom of the ship, having been there the entire time.

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Understandably frazzled, Bereet asks Star-Lord what happened. Humorously, Star-Lord not only forgets Bereet’s name, he also admits that he completely forgot she was on the ship. Later on in the film, Bereet briefly appears on Xandar. During the Guardians’ battle with Ronan, Bereet is seen protecting a young girl.

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While this movie was Bereet’s only appearance in the MCU so far, her comic book history is a bit more extensive. Bereet is a techno-artist from the planet Krylor, basing her films on human exploits. Discovering the Hulk’s existence, Bereet sees the Green Goliath as the perfect film subject. The Krylorian then travels to Earth in order to follow the Hulk and record his adventures.

Once Bereet has enough material, she produces a film titled “The Life and Times of the Incredible Hulk,” which is very popular on Krylor. The film’s contents are shown in the Rampaging Hulk miniseries, depicting Bereet’s interpretation of the Hulk’s adventures. Bereet’s film covers a range of Hulk tales, including appearances by the Silver Surfer, Namor and even the Avengers.

Later, Bereet returns to Earth, seeking the Hulk for further inspiration. At this point, the Hulk has Bruce Banner’s brain, a factor which leads to a romantic relationship between Bereet and the Jade Giant. Bereet then films another “documentary,” which premieres at Radio City Music Hall, to great acclaim. Ultimately, Bereet decides to stay on Earth and continue her filmmaking career in Hollywood.

Currently, there is plenty of storytelling potential for Bereet and the Hulk in the MCU. Bereet had a fairly minor role in Guardians of the Galaxy, leaving much potential to delve into her comic book history. Indeed, Bereet’s techno-artistry would be a fascinating aspect of the character on which to focus, also fleshing out the cosmic side of the MCU.

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In a post-Endgame world, the MCU Hulk has a world of possibilities, especially since becoming “Professor Hulk.” Seeing the Hulk interact with interstellar characters like Bereet would certainly expand upon his role in the greater universe. The more lighthearted tone of the MCU also lends itself well to a Hulk documentary, potentially explored in a TV miniseries or even a short film.

Hulk’s connection to Bereet is easily explained, as Banner has already experienced cosmic level adventures in Thor: Ragnarok. Perhaps Hulk and Bereet met during his time on Sakaar, exploring more of his time in space. Tying Bereet into Hulk’s time as a gladiator is also a nice way to connect the universe even further, which would show a great attention to detail by Marvel Studios.

There are many minor characters and seemingly unimportant details sprinkled throughout the MCU. These smaller aspects may seem trivial, but they’re full of rich comic book history that can be explored in future films.

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