
Alive 2019 [Event Report] | Tokyo Otaku Mode News

2D graphics creators of all levels gathered to share their passion and expertise at Bellesalle Kanda on Nov. 25 for Alive 2019, an event held by Live2D.

Based in Tokyo, Live2D is the developer of an exciting animation technique which allows the animator to generate 2D graphics through layered parts without the need to animate frame by frame or generate 3D models. It can currently be used through software tool Live2D Cubism 3, with both free and licensed versions available through the official website.

Not quite sure what it can be used for? Live 2D Creative Awards 2019’s top picks are a great chance to jump in, starting with its Grand Prix winner! Submitted by VTUber Nanai Reo, it not only gives viewers an adorable rakugo comedy routine, but also a peek behind the models used.

As for the overall event, a number of sessions and exhibitions provided numerous opportunities for creators and companies to exchange ideas and techniques handy for 2D animation.

In addition to gaining knowledge from the pros, it was also the perfect place to connect directly with other enthusiasts, through the booths and being in the space itself. Even attendees new to the art were welcome, with a seminar held specifically for beginners as well.

In his keynote address, Live2D CEO Nakajo Tatsuya spoke on the spread of the software, particularly among educational institutions. Live2D is recognized as a separate technique and is now also in demand for jobs in the field. As it already has a firm presence in the gaming industry and is still in use by the top 10 mobile companies, Nakajo reported that there wasn’t much growth to be seen there.

Instead, Live2D’s use was seen most frequently with VTubers. Furthermore, approximately 80% of users were not doing so for work, but rather for fun.

Nakajo also announced Cubism 4.0, which gives users 56 new features, as well as features added to Cubism Editor.

nizima, Live2D’s official online marketplace that was launched just last year, saw results better than expected. With sellers can also offer order-made products, as well as restrict the number that can be released, the service has already seen an astonishing 200,000 yen sale. It now has a mobile app companion named nizima Apps, and future endeavours include broadening the range of content available on nizima, like resources for Cubism Editor.

Nakajo’s final topic dealt with Live2D’s plans to expand Cubism and nizima’s presence through affiliate programs. He reaffirmed his words from last year, emphasising Cubism, nizima and creative studios as three key points to further Live2D and 2D animation. Lastly, he encouraged viewers to make use of these resources to liven up the 2D creator community even more.

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