
Ace of Diamond Act II to Receive Anime in 2019!

It’s been confirmed that baseball manga Ace of Diamond Act II will receive an anime adaptation in 2019!

The announcement was made at an event at the Meiji Jingu Stadium in Tokyo on Nov. 25. Voice actor Osaka Ryouta will reprise his role as Sawamura, but other details are being kept under wrap until later.

Originally a baseball manga by Terajima Yuji, Ace of Diamond focusses on a high school student named Sawamura Eijun whose passion for the sport earns him a scholarship at a prestigious school. Alongside friends and rivals, Sawamura works tirelessly so they can make it to nationals and show the world what they’re made of. The sequel, Ace of Diamond II, began in 2015 and continued to be serialized in Weekly Shounen Magazine.

Ace of Diamond Act II is slated to air sometime in 2019.

(C)Terajima Yuji / Kodansha

Adapted with permission from SPICE

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