
Infinity War Spider-Man Death Scene is a Halloween Display

Of all the character deaths at the end of this summer’s Avengers: Infinity War — and there were plenty to choose from — the one that hit most viewers the hardest was the young Spider-Man (played by Tom Holland) disintegrating in the arms of his mentor, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man.

Always ready to poke fun at their own pain, fans have developed a running joke out of the scene, finding creative new ways to remind each other of the tragedy.

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With Halloween around the corner, Twitter user @Tasmen shared a festive twist on Peter Parker’s death found in her neighborhood: “Friends decorate outside their house for Halloween each year,” she wrote. “This is not ok.”

The photo shows a stack of pumpkins decked out in an Iron Man mask, gauntlets and an arc reactor. A limp Spider-Man costume is draped against the pumpkins, halfway covered with fallen leaves, which seem to be dispersing as if his body is coming apart from the feet up.

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Reactions to the display range from “TOO SOON” to “THOSE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS,” but one response quoted an instantly recognizable line from the movie, edited to fit this particular interpretation: “Mr. stark, I don’t feel so gourd.”

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