
Stan Lee Addresses Recent Elder Abuse Claims, Controversies

Stan Lee has opened up about some of the controversies that have erupted in his personal life over the last few years.

During the interview with The Daily Beast, the 95-year-old Lee spoke about many of the controversies that have surrounded him and members of his family. This includes reports of forged checks, accusations of sexual harassment and elder abuse, a lawsuit (later dropped) against POW! Entertainment and a falling out with major members of his staff. It has reached the point where Lee has even taken out a restraining order against his former manager, Keya Morgan.

Lee spoke with the assistance of a voice box and did the interview alongside his daughter, Joan Celia, and her lawyer. Joan Celia has been accused of committing elder abuse against her father, allegations she has vehemently denied.

RELATED: Police Investigating Stan Lee Elder Abuse Claims

“There really isn’t that much drama,” said Lee. “As far as I’m concerned, we have a wonderful life. I’m pretty damn lucky. I love my daughter, I’m hoping that she loves me, and I couldn’t ask for a better life… She is a wonderful daughter. I like her. We have occasional spats. But I have occasional spats with everyone. I’ll probably have one with you, where I’ll be saying, ‘I didn’t say that!’ But, that’s life.”

Lee also addressed rumors about his money handling and his daughter’s spending.

“I decided my daughter is no longer a teenager,” said Lee. “This money will be left to her, and instead of waiting until I die, I will give her as much as I can for her to enjoy now. And that’s what I’m trying to do.”

RELATED: Stan Lee & POW! Release Statement About His Social Media Accounts

Lee also spoke on the matter of his restraining order against Morgan.

“I can’t do everything,” said Lee. “I thought he’d maybe help [Joan Celia]. It didn’t work. In fact, he turned out to be quite a disappointment.”

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