
Ben Affleck Announces He Has Finished Alcohol Treatment

Batman actor Ben Affleck announced on his Instagram page Thursday that he has completed treatment for alcohol addiction.

“This week I completed a forty day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction and remain in outpatient care,” reads Affleck’s statement. “The support I have received from my family, colleagues and fans means more to me than I can say. It’s given me the strength and support to speak about my illness with others.”

This was the actor’s third time in alcohol rehabilitation, with the most recent being just last year. “Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle,” said Affleck. “Because of that, one is never really in or out of treatment. It is a full-time commitment.”

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Affleck has played the role of Batman in three Warner Bros. films, and at one time was believed to be done playing the Dark Knight. But on-again/off-again rumors have persisted about his possible return, and the actor reportedly has expressed interest in reprising the role in the upcoming film The Batman, which Affleck was also originally slated to direct. Matt Reeves has since signed on to direct and write the film.

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