
Beginner’s Guide to Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle-!

Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- is a rap/song project and CD series launched by EVIL LINE RECORDS, a sub-label of King Records. In addition to its main cast of 12 voice actors, it features character design by Idea Factory and Otomate with scripts by Momose Yuichirou.

While idols both 3D and 2D are a familiar presence in the world of otaku, Hypnosis Mic brought fans down a different path with its unusual combination of rap and popular voice acting talents. The project officially began on Sept. 9, 2017 with a teaser on its YouTube channel that introduced the story’s premise and its 12 characters to the world. Later videos and CD singles then brought fans deeper into the visuals and vocals of Hypnosis Mic.

In a world where women now dominate the government, the creation and use of weapons is strictly forbidden. However, by no means has conflict been brought to an end; instead of weapons, war is waged through words. With the power of the “Hypnosis Mic”, lyrics can affect one’s opponent in various ways and cause real damage. Those in the divisions outside the women-only Chuou Ward thus use it for fierce rap battles as their weapon in the constant clash for territory.

Hypnosis Mic features four main three-man groups, each representing a different division: Buster Bros!!! (Ikebukuro), MAD TRIGGER CREW (Yokohama), Fling Posse (Shibuya), and Matenrou (Shinjuku). The twelve characters vary widely in age, occupation and personality, meaning that there’s bound to be someone for every fan.

Yamada Ichirou/MC.B.B (CV: Kimura Subaru)

Age: 19
Birthday: Jul. 26
Height: 185 cm
Signature quote: “You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.”

A former member of legendary group The Dirty Dawg, Ichirou used to be one of the biggest delinquents around in Ikebukuro. However, he has a strong sense of justice and won’t turn his back on anyone in trouble. As the leader of Buster Bros!!! and the oldest Yamada son, he also takes good care of his brothers, having also spread his love of anime and light novels to Jirou.

Yamada Jirou/MC.M.B (CV: Ishiya Haruki)

Age: 17
Birthday: Feb. 6
Height: 180 cm
Signature quote: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old: we grow old because we stop playing.”

This second-year high school student is also the second son in the Yamada family. Having grown up watching his big brother Ichirou leading the way, Jirou has practically elevated him to the status of a god while becoming somewhat of a delinquent himself. As for his little brother Saburou, they’re always having petty quarrels (pretty typical for siblings).

Yamada Saburou/MC.L.B (CV: Amasaki Kouhei)

Age: 14
Birthday: Dec. 16
Height: 173 cm
Signature quote: “Everything that rises sets, and everything that grows, grows old.”

The youngest Yamada son is only in his third year of middle school, but that doesn’t stop him from being a virtual genius who can pull off anything. Although he didn’t end up a delinquent like his brothers, he does respect the two. As for everyone else, though, Saburou is quick to look down on anyone he judges as below him.

Aohitsugi Samatoki/Mr.Hc (CV: Asanuma Shintarou)

Age: 25
Birthday: Nov. 11
Height: 186 cm
Signature quote: “Life is not fair.”

A former member of The Dirty Dawg, MAD TRIGGER CREW’s leader is a full-blown yakuza with a constantly bad-tempered expression to match, as well as the tendency to start fights over things that displease him. Samatoki’s reason for pursuing the path of the yakuza is his beloved little sister, whose handmade charm he always cherishes. Incidentally, he may be prone to violence but he makes it a point to never touch women.

Iruma Juto/45 Rabbit (CV: Komada Wataru)

Age: 29
Birthday: May 30
Height: 181 cm
Signature quote: “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

Despite the fact that Juto is a police sergeant whose mission is to fight against organized crime, behind the facade he’s heavily involved the world of the yakuza. From bribes and blackmail to actual violence, you can bet that if it’s shady, Juto’s done it before. However, he tends to take good care of his subordinates.

Busujima Mason Rio/Crazy M (CV: Kamio Shinichirou)

Age: 28
Birthday: Jun. 21
Height: 191 cm
Signature quote: “I submit to you that if a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”

Rio was formerly a sergeant in the navy, and he shows it in his impenetrable guard and utter lack of mercy towards the enemy. His normal personality is more gentle, though, and he likes to do his best for others. He also happens to be half-American on his father’s side.

Amemura Ramuda/easy R (CV: Shirai Yusuke)

Age: 24
Birthday: Feb. 14
Height: 155 cm
Signature quote: “The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.”

Ramuda’s rather cute appearance belies his skill, as he’s the leader of Fling Posse and also used to be a former member of legendary group The Dirty Dawg. Innocent and inclined to make careless remarks, this fashion designer is nevertheless popular with the ladies.

Yumeno Gentarou/Phantom (CV: Saitou Souma)

Age: 24
Birthday: Apr. 1
Height: 177 cm
Signature quote: “What do you want meaning for? Life is desire, not meaning.”

A writer with the soul of a student back in the old days, Gentarou likes to freely imagine what the pasts and futures of passersby might be like. He also tends to weave convincing lies that usually go unnoticed – until he casually reveals it, that is.

Arisugawa Daisu/Dead or Alive (CV: Nozuyama Yukihiro)

Age: 20
Birthday: Jul. 7
Height: 177 cm
Signature quote: “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.”

Daisu is a straight-up gambling addict who’ll bet every cent he’s got or even his life at the table. Appropriately, he hates the notion of steadiness, having depended on his luck to get here, to the point that he decides everything with a roll of his ever-ready dice. Predictably penniless due to his gambling, he’ll love you if you just give him some food.

Jinguji Jakurai/ill-DOC (CV: Hayami Shou)

Age: 35
Birthday: Jan. 9
Height: 195 cm
Signature quote: “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.”

Doctor, former member of The Dirty Dawg, and current leader of Matenrou. One look at Jakurai will betray the mysterious aura that surrounds him. He himself also likes people who are odd, and used to have an interest in Fling Posse’s Ramuda, but the two are now like cat and dog.

Izanami Hifumi/GIGOLO (CV: Kijima Ryuichi)

Age: 29
Birthday: Jun. 22
Height: 179 cm
Signature quote: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

In sharp contrast to his flashy appearance and current occupation as a host (not to mention his MC name), Hifumi actually used to be extremely afraid of women. Having worked to overcome this fear, he’s now progressed to the stage of becoming a ladies’ man once he dons a suit.

Kannonzaka Doppo/DOPPO (CV: Itou Kento)

Age: 29
Birthday: May 15
Height: 175 cm
Signature quote: “The real world is much smaller than the imaginary.”

An office worker who’s employed at a company that deals with medical equipment, Doppo’s most prominent characteristic is that he, well, has no particular characteristics. Due to his pessimistic tendencies, he has virtually no friends except for his fellow group member Hifumi.

Hypnosis Mic centers around CDs starring its main four groups, including rap battles and singles for separate groups. Those buying the former receive serial numbers that can be used to vote for the winner, while the latter features drama tracks that give more insight into the crews and their relationships.

Four individual group singles titled “Buster Bros!!! Generation” (Buster Bros!!!), “BAYSIDE M.T.C” (MAD TRIGGER CREW), “Matenrou-Oninrinshou- (Matenrou), and “Fling Posse-F.P.S.M-“ (Fling Posse) were released in late 2017 after the project’s debut.

“Buster Bros!!! Generation”, Buster Bros!!!

These were followed by “Battle CDs” in 2018, recording the clash between Buster Bros!!! and MAD TRIGGER CREW, as well as Fling Posse and Matenrou. Another CD with MAD TRIGGER CREW facing off against Matenrou is slated to be released on Nov. 14.

“Fling Posse VS Matenrou”

Live events featuring the voice actors behind the Hypnosis Mic rappers have also been held.

Hypnosis Mic is slated to receive a rhythm game adaptation for iOS and Android in 2019. The trailer below features Kimura Subaru, who plays Buster Bros!!! leader Yamada Ichirou/MC.B.B, as he introduces the game – through rap, naturally.

For more information on Hypnosis Mic, visit the official website.

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