
Spider-Man Fans Set Record for Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Spidey

It’s no secret to Marvel enthusiasts and regular convention-goers that fans of Spider-Man absolutely love to dress up as their favorite superhero and get into a fair bit of shenanigans as well. (Take, for instance, the now-famous “Band of the Spideys” video, in which dozens of Spidey cosplays form a line to dance to a chiptune version of a-ha’s ‘Take On Me’.)

However, Marvel and Sony have decided it was time to take things one step further at Comic Con Stockholm and attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the “Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Spider-Man.” As announced by Marvel Editor-In-Chief C.B. Cebulski , their bid was ultimately successful, with a total of 547 Spideys occupying one room at the convention. (And you thought there were a lot of different Spider-Men in the comics.)

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Actress Carolina Ravassa (Overwatch), who was in attendance for the attempt, shared a video of the fans who turned up to don the Web Head’s threads enthusiastically celebrating their achievement.

This world record was attempted (and set) by Marvel and Sony as a way of further promoting the recently released Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4, which has already been met with glowing reception. Hence why the vast majority of the 500+ fans in attendance are wearing costumes based on the main Spidey suit  featured in the popular game (which were provided by the organizers.)

It just goes to show that the iconic Marvel Comics character has certainly come a long way in the world of mainstream pop culture over the years.

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