
Marvel Teases the Death of a Guardian of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Infinity Wars event hasn’t been going very well for the Guardians of the Galaxy. The lead-up to the event saw Groot stuck in his baby form, Rocket grievously injured and Drax’s vow of pacifism only intermittently honored, and those are the members who got off easy. The core Infinity Wars story has turned Gamora into Marvel’s next big cosmic baddie, who even went so far as to kill Star-Lord. Luckily, Peter Quill’s death was undone by Doctor Strange and his Time Stone, but it sounds like a future death is going to stick.

A teaser sent out by Marvel today indicates that a Guardian of the Galaxy is going to bite it for real. The Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1 teaser ominously threatens that “one will fall” in the issue. The prime candidate most likely to shrug off this mortal coil is Gamora, whose bloody, villainous path can only really end poorly. It would be quite a surprise if Marvel were to kill off Star-Lord again so soon after they, well, tried to kill off Star-Lord. Both Drax and Groot boast powerful regenerative qualities, which makes them unlikely — those not impossible — candidates. Rocket, of course, is a fan-favorite. So, the teased death is really up in the air.

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The teaser comes at a fairly predictable time, as Marvel is currently prepping to relaunch Guardians of the Galaxy early next year. Another recent teaser hints that the relaunched team’s roster may draw from the entire history of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The teaser included a massive spread of over 40 characters, many of whom have either called themselves a Guardian at one point or been closely associated with the team. The image even includes characters like the Silver Surfer and Galactus.

According to Gerry Duggan, the relaunch is preceded by Thanos Legacy #1, which reveals that the Mad Titan’s death was part of one of his master plans. Apparently, things will really start to hit the fan when the content of Thanos’ last will and testament is revealed. Right now, it sounds like the only two people who know about the will are Eros, Thanos’ brother, and the Cosmic Ghost Rider, the Mad Titan’s former future-herald. How all of this seamlessly ties into Infinity Wars and the future death of a Guardian remains to be seen.

Regardless, the cosmic body count keeps rising, so get your mourning ‘kerchief out again if you’ve got one — you might need it. Check out the teaser for yourself below:


  • Written by GERRY DUGGAN
  • Cover by R.B. SILVA
  • On Sale December 2018
  • This December in Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1

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