
Bendis Provides an Explanation for the Flash Confusion in Superman #2

Brian Michael Bendis has been making quite the impact since coming over to DC Comics and helming the Superman title. In Issue #2 of the new series, however, Bendis caught the attention of fans for the wrong reason after seemingly mixing up Barry Allen and Wally West. Now, it seems he has an explanation why.

After his Man of Steel intro, which sent Lois Lane and Jon Kent into space, Bendis is now focusing on Earth getting sucked into the Phantom Zone with various tyrants on the loose. Thus, Superman called in Barry Allen at the Fortress of Solitude for assistance, only for the Flash to remove his mask and reveal red hair akin to that of Wally West. As a result, Bendis tweeted out why this happened, although it seems he’s cheekily alluding it was indeed a coloring error.

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Seeing as Doomsday Clock doesn’t involve time travel or the Phantom Zone, it’s unlikely it has anything to do with the mistake here. What’s a distinct possibility is the book’s colorist didn’t give Barry his blonde hair, thinking it was Wally in the artwork.

With Superman specifically calling Barry by name, all fingers point to an honest mistake being made. (Well, unless Barry dyed his hair to match his suit.) Nevertheless, we’re certain fans can forgive such a small gaffe and focus on Superman trying to restore the planet to its rightful place.

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