
Detective Conan to Embark on First Overseas Collab Cafe!

Detective Conan is about to embark on its very first overseas collaboration cafe with a location in Bangkok, Thailand!

Aoyama Goushou’s long-running manga is a popular title in Thailand, with 92 volumes of the original work having been translated into Thai and the anime and movies also being available to view on TV and in theaters.

Open from Aug. 2, the project is a collaboration orchestrated by international department store Parco and local patisserie chain Bake A Wish. While Parco has had experience with overseas collaborations before, this is its first time crossing over to Thailand.

The cafe will be serving both savoury dishes like an Apotoxin capsule curry, and sweet treats like the “Three Faces of Amuro Parfait” (with a souvenir card).

You can also pick up a special Conan latte (one of four drinks available) to wash it all down with.

The Detective Conan Cafe in Bangkok will run from Aug. 2 to Sept. 30 at Bake A Wish’s Siam Center location, with a special cake also to be available for takeout at 13 locations.

(C)Gosho Aoyama/1996,2018 Shogakukan, YTV, TMS

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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