
Gundam Goes Hollywood in Live Action Film Adaptation!

Animation studio Sunrise has announced that beloved mecha anime Mobile Suit Gundam will be getting a live action Hollywood film adaptation!

This new chapter in the Gundam series will bring together Sunrise, the original creator of the franchise, and Legendary Entertainment, an American company well known for all sorts of anime-inspired work like Pacific Rim and Godzilla, as well as Jurassic World.

Gundam is an icon of Japanese pop culture which first started as an anime in 1979 and grew into a popular franchise including manga, games and Gunpla models. 2019 will mark the 40th anniversary of the franchise.

Plot and cast details are still unknown, with the initial announcement at Anime Expo 2018 in Los Angeles only revealing that co-production has already begun.

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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