
James Gunn Offered Chance to Direct a DC Film

When it comes to superhero films, finding the right director for a property can be extremely difficult. It’s vital that the director be both respectful of the source material, while also being unafraid to offer their own twist. This is why James Gunn‘s Guardians of the Galaxy worked so wonderfully for Marvel Studios. The writer and director offered something new and exciting while still holding true to the characters from the comics. These examples are why it is unsurprising the Marvel director was apparently given the opportunity to direct a DC film for Warner Bros.

The revelation comes directly from Gunn, who responded to a fan’s question as to whether or not he’d be on board for directing a DC property if given the chance. The director responded rather honestly, explaining that he’d actually been given the chance, following it up with a rather open answer: “Maybe?”

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The only truly successful film for the DC Extended Universe thus far has been 2017’s Wonder Woman. The film, which took in a massive $821 million at the worldwide box office, was not only a financial success for Warner Bros., but even had many suggesting the movie could earn director Patty Jenkins an Oscar. Of course, that did not happen, but Jenkins will return for the sequel when it begins shooting.

Unfortunately, Wonder Woman was followed up by Justice League, a film that underwent directorial changes when original director Zack Snyder was forced to exit the project due to a personal tragedy. The film’s poor box office forced Warner Bros. and DC to rethink its strategy for the DCEU going forward, and rather than simply jump headfirst into projects, both parties appear to be searching for the right directors going forward — something we’ve seen with the hirings of Cathy Yan on Birds of Prey and Ava DuVernay on New Gods.

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With that in mind, it isn’t surprising to hear the studio has approached Gunn. However, it’s also worth noting Gunn’s answer doesn’t reveal when the offer was made, nor does it promise he’ll accept. It simply suggests it isn’t entirely off the table should the right project come along. For now, Gunn is far from finished with Marvel Studios as the director is gearing up for production on his trilogy-closer, Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3, which is expected to begin filming in January.

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