
Zack Snyder Releases Batman v Superman Photo Showing Trinity’s First Meeting

Continuing the glimpses behind the curtain of his vision for the DC Extended Universe, director Zack Snyder has released a photo from the set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that depicts stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot together in costume for the first time.

Snyder posted the image on his Vero social media account, where he wrote, “First time Trinity together.”

VERO: Zack showing the Trinity for the first time photographed. from DC_Cinematic

Wonder Woman joined the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight in the film to take on Doomsday in a battle that cost Superman his life, if only briefly. The Kryptonian returned in Snyder’s Justice League, which was poorly received by critics and audiences. Many blamed that performance on Joss Whedon, who replaced Snyder as director following his departure due to a family tragedy. Since the film’s release, some of Snyder’s most vocal fans have called on Warner Bros. to release a director’s cut that represents his vision of Justice League.

RELATED: Snyder Reveals Flash Was Supposed to Get a Second Suit in Justice League

As it stands, Snyder continues to garner their support by releasing images from Justice League of scenes that didn’t appear in the theaterical release.

KEEP READING: Zack Snyder Says He Will Stay on as Producer for Wonder Woman 2

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