
Bendis Predicts Worried Superman Fans Will End Up ‘Apologizing’ to Him

When it was announced that longtime Marvel writer Brian Michael Bendis was not only making the jump to DC Comics but that he was also taking over both Superman and Action Comics following a six-issue Man of Steel weekly miniseries, some fans expressed concern over whether the writer would effectively “undo” much of what’s made the post-Rebirth Superman so great — namely, his relationship with Lois Lane and their son, Jon. However, Bendis has little doubt that he’ll prove those skeptics wrong.

During an interview with CBR, Bendis was asked how worried fans should be about Man of Steel solicitations teasing a big mystery involving Lois and Jon, and Bendis was quick to reassure fans that, while something is indeed in store for Clark’s wife and son, it’s nothing readers would likely perceive as disrespectful to the characters.

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“I get it,” Bendis said. “What I’m looking forward to is all good fans of Superman, being good people top of bottom, that I will accept, graciously, all of the apologies I’m getting in a few months,” he jokingly added. “People will see how much I love Lois and Jon. It’s OK — I get it. It’s part of the game. By the way, we are messing with you, as well — something’s happened with Jon and Lois. That’s not baloney. There’s something going on. But the worry that people have that we don’t love these characters, or that we’re going to do something to them, that I can only prove with time. And I will prove it.”

“For people who know their history, they know the original Man of Steel miniseries was as hardcore of a reboot as we’ve ever had,” Bendis continued. “That was throwing everything out and starting over again. So when they hear Man of Steel, older fans go, ‘What? Huh?’ No, no, no — it’s a celebration. There are a lot of secrets in our story, and we’re not telling you what’s going on with Jon and Lois right now. With that comes a little bit of trepidation — some people get excited, some people get nervous. That is kind of our job, to get people excited and nervous. I’ll take my hits where they come with that, but people will see in about a year’s time, when the story’s really unfolding, the deep love and affection we have for this family.”

RELATED: Snyder Offers Early Mini-Review of Bendis & Reis’ Man of Steel #1

Man of Steel #1, by Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado and Ivan Reis, is scheduled for release on May 30 from DC Comics.

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