
Marvel’s Infinity Wars Mystery Character is Named Requiem

Though we first caught a glimpse of Marvel Comics’ mysterious hooded character when the publisher initially teased Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato Jr. and Frank Martin’s upcoming Infinity Wars event, they weren’t given a name. Now, we not only have a name but a chilling description to go along with it.

Meet Requiem, a being Marvel teases is “death Incarnate.” Given the hooded appearance, it’s not a major leap to assume this is likely a new incarnation of an existing character, one whose longtime Marvel readers would recognize, but as of right now, there’s no way to truly know for certain.


Infinity Wars teaser art by Frank Martin

RELATED: Marvel Releases Official Synopsis for Infinity Wars: Prime

The new image, illustrated by Martin, comes hot on the heels of Marvel’s previous teaser for Infinity Wars Prime, which featured a Deodato-drawn illustration of the Mad Titan under the heading, “Thanos Wins.”

The original Infinity War series from 1992 revolved around the Magus’ efforts to use the Infinity Gauntlet for his own evil machinations. Though Magus did appear in the run-up to the current Infinity Countdown storyline, he was quickly killed by the event’s true villain – the human/android hybrid Ultron Pym.

Below is the official synopsis for Infinity Wars: Prime #1, which arrives in July 2018.

In INFINITY WARS: PRIME #1, the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe reap what they sow as their frantic search for the Infinity Stones leads to cosmic madness like never before. The simmering events of recent months spiral into something much, much bigger in this colossal story.

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