
Ben Schwartz Wants to Play DC’s Plastic Man

Parks and Recreation and House of Lies alum Ben Schwartz has now publicly expressed interest in playing a live-action version of the DC Comics superhero Plastic Man.

The actor, who also contributed to the voice of Star Wars’ BB-8, plead his case on Twitter. “I’m ready to play Plastic Man,” he wrote. “Is there like an application process or do I just dress up like him and make fun of Stretch Armstrong?”

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Schwartz is taking cues from a number of successful actors who have publicly campaigned to play comic book roles. Ryan Reynolds, star of the upcoming Deadpool 2, fought tooth and nail to bring the anti-hero back to the big-screen after the flop that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Likewise, Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Donald Glover spent years publicly voicing interest in portraying Spider-Man; although he never played Spidey in live-action, he voiced Spider-Man Miles Morales on the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.

Schwartz, best known for his comedic work in TV and film, also has a storied history in the podcast medium, perhaps most notably appearing as a recurring guest on the Earwolf podcast Comedy Bang! Bang! He made his first major foray into the genre landscape when he, along with Saturday Night Live alum Bill Hader, were tapped to bring the lovable android character BB-8 to life for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Created by cartoonist Jack Cole for defunct publisher Quality Comics, Plastic Man was acquired by DC Comics in the 1950s and has since appeared in the entertainment giant’s various comics, television series and video games. He’s yet to debut in a major motion picture.

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