
White Knight Creator’s Rules for ‘Murphyverse’ Line of Comics

Revered comic book creator Sean Gordon Murphy is totally prepared to keep creating new worlds for DC Comics after Batman: White Knight is over. Murphy revealed on Twitter that the team at DC unofficially calls his new world — adjacent to, but not really part of the DC Universe proper — the “Murphyverse.”

He also laid out the “rules” that he will follow if he does indeed make a sequel to the White Knight story.

The rules include the following: People who die will remain dead, contrary to the popular comic book trope. There will also be a limited amount of covers to avoid overloading comic shops, and each book will come out on time. Murphy claims that each issue will include one “awesome vehicle,” but will not include narration balloons.

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Murphy’s series, Batman: White Knight, follows the story of a Batman and Joker very different from those we’ve seen before. The Joker has started to take medication that makes him sane, and he becomes a public official set on fighting corruption in the city. Batman is, obviously, conflicted by this. The series includes two different Harley Quinns, villain team-ups, a Neo-Joker, and an official police force that includes Batgirl and Nightwing.

Murphy is responsible for both the writing and the art in the book, so this is very much his creation. The eighth and final installment (for now, it seems) comes out on May 9.

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