Mike Myers Returns As Dr. Evil On The Tonight Show

Dr. Evil has returned to the spotlight, only this time not as Austin Powers’ arch-nemesis bent on world domination, but as the latest official ousted from the Trump Administration.

Mike Myers reprised his iconic role Wednesday on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, as Dr. Evil shared his post-White House plans, with a tell-all book and a 2020 presidential bid.

Myers’ Austin Powers comedy franchise is well known for its innuendo and pop-culture references, and it couldn’t come back at a better time to poke fun at the current state of affairs. In a little less than five minutes, Dr. Evil (queue ominous theme music) returned to his roots and called Fallon “numb nuts” and detailed his duties in President Trump’s Cabinet. As he’s now unemployed, he started with a jab that, because Steve Bannon landed the job of Secretary of Evil, he ended up being the “ideas guy.”

RELATED: Mike Myers’ Dr. Evil Returns to Address North Korea On SNL

In classic Dr. Evil style, he claimed which ideas were his: the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, for example, but his recommendation was for a moat filled with spiky blowfish, and Alec Baldwin would pay for it.

He went on to discuss his friends in the administration, including HUD Secretary Ben Carson, another evil doctor, and what evil things he did, such as purchasing an expensive chair with taxpayer dollars.

Dr. Evil also announced his run for president alongside Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whom he called, “the only other man who’s more hated than Donald Trump.”

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