
R-Rated Batman: White Knight Edition Possible

After sharing images of an uncensored sex scene between Harley Quinn and the Joker last November, Batman: White Knight creator Sean Gordon Murphy says that he is interested in releasing an R-rated version of his comic, complete with swearing and nudity.

“I would LOVE if I could get DC to publish the trade of White Knight with an R rating,” Murphy wrote on his Twitter. “So I can put the swears and nudity back in. But would you readers be OK with that?”

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Murphy also offered a followup tweet, noting his reservations about publishing a trade with differences from the monthly installments. “My worry is that ppl who were good enough to buy the floppies might get mad,” he added. “And make them feel like they should have trade waited.”

It’s not entirely clear what would have to be done in order to restore the comic’s nudity and swears or if it’s something DC would even consider publishing. While adding curse words back in may only require altering text bubbles, the nudity may be more difficult, necessitating the restructuring of panels and dialogue.

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Written and illustrated by Murphy, Batman: White Knight takes place outside of main DC continuity, in a harsher, more realistic version of Gotham City where the Caped Crusader is reckless. In White Knight, Murphy imagines a world in which the Joker has reformed, although Batman doesn’t believe his old nemesis has truly changed.

The next installment in the series, Batman: White Knight #5, hits shelves February 7.

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