The X-Files Crossover With Comic Book Characters

Welcome to Line it is Drawn, our weekly gallery of amazing art by our great collection of artistic talent, all working from your suggestions!

So every week, I post a topic here. You reply to it on the CSBG Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply), our artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post their drawings based on your suggestions here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week.

To qualify, you have to be following @csbg when you reply – so go follow us and then give your answer to the following question/challenge (All suggestions due by 11:59 Pacific Friday).

The topic for the next Line is…

In honor of the Legion of Super-Heroes debuting on Supergirl on January 15th, name a comic book character that you would like to see be adapted into being a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Storm could be Weather Witch, Iceman could be Ice Lad, stuff like that).

Read on for the drawings that came about courtesy of the last question/challenge!

In honor of the return of the X-Files, have Mulder and Scully mash-up or team-up with comic book characters!


I’ll put them in aphabetical order based on the name of the Twitter user who made the suggestion.

All copyright and trademarks of the following characters are held by their respective owners.

NOTE: The five new Line it is Drawn artists will debut on a second page, to milk the surprise for as long as possible.

BigMike20X6 suggested


Axel Medellin drew this one. His website is here

BigMike20X6 suggested

Mulder and Scully as Jean Grey and Cyclops

The art for this one is by Merk. His website is here.

BigMike20X6 suggested

X-Files & ALF

The art for this one is by Matt Sandbrook. His website is here.

dhacker615 suggested

Mulder & Scully find baby Kal-El

The art for this one is by Paul Shinn. His website is here.

dixonium suggested

To solve the most puzzling case of their career, Mulder and Scully must team-up with… Detective Chimp!

Nick Perks is the artist for this one. Here is his website.

Click here for a larger version of Nick’s piece.

ErichMees suggested

Mulder & Scully meet Swamp Thing

The art for this one is by Dan Wolff. His website is here.

KurtBusiek suggested

Mulder meets Scully’s cousin Jim Scully, aka Skull the Slayer, and investigates the Bermuda Triangle, time travel and the serpent cult of Slitherogue.

Scully, meanwhile, meets the Melter.

Naturally, the Melter and Scully save the other two.

The art for this miniature epic is by Gene Guilmette. His website is here.

If you’d like to see larger versions of Gene’s pages, click here for Page 1, here for Page 2 and here for Page 3.

Also, Xum Yukinori drew a cover idea for this same one (Xum also has a podcast about done-in-one comics here). Here is his website.

LordAndrew suggested

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Nick Perks is also the artist for this one. Here is his website.

therealAstrozac suggested

Mulder and Scully go to Astro City to investigate The Confessor

The art for this one is by David Duke. His website is here.

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