Month: November 2017

In “Crisis on Earth-X,” this year’s Arrowverse crossover, a select few members of Team Arrow will go toe-to-toe with their evil doppelgangers from another universe. During a set visit, Rick Gonzales (Wild Dog), Juliana Harkavy (Black Canary) and David Ramsey (Spartan, now Green Arrow) weighed in on the role — or lack thereof — they
In this year’s Arrowverse crossover, the gang is getting back together to fight off their evil doppelgangers from Earth-X. During the “Crisis on Earth-X” throwdown, characters from across Supergirl, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow will join forces to overcome this interdimensional threat. If you’ve been keeping up with these shows, you’ll realize
Chris Pratt strikes up a new friendship in the first (unexpectedly adorable) footage from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. RELATED: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Wraps Filming Tweeted by producer Colin Trevorrow, the six seconds of footage from the Universal Pictures depicts Pratt’s smiling Owen Grady stroking a chittering baby velociraptor under the chin. “From our Jurassic
AMC’s The Walking Dead may have claimed the No. 1 spot among original cable shows airing Sunday night, but the zombie drama is beginning to display signs of flatlining. In fact, ratings for the adaptation’s latest episode reached a six-year low for the series. RELATED: How Walking Dead’s Latest TV Death Compares to the Comics
You voted, and now, after over 1,000 ballots were cast, here are the results of your votes for your favorite comic book storylines of all-time (this is the third time we’ve done this countdown. We’re on an every four year schedule)! We started with ten storylines a day, and now we’re down to five storylines
J-WORLD TOKYO is holding a limited period Dragon Ball event titled “Dragon Ball Festival 2018 in J-World Tokyo” from Nov. 23 to 28! J-WORLD TOKYO is an indoor theme park featuring series appearing in Jump magazines such as One Piece and Naruto. Operated by Namco and located inside Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, it awaits
In August, director James Gunn revealed that he fought to keep Adam Warlock’s post-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Now, he has provided further information about why the character almost didn’t appear in the film and explained the characters’ future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “I awoke with a vision of the
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for “Therefore I Am,” the latest episode of The Flash. Kid Flash may have just fought the villain that brought together the original incarnation of the Justice League of America in the comics. In “Therefore I Am,” the latest episode of The Flash, Wally West returned to Central
In the new poster for “Crisis on Earth-X,” this year’s big Arrowverse crossover, Red Tornado and Metallo join the villains’ nefarious lineup. Metallo and Tornado previously appeared in the Arrowverse as villains on Supergirl, both having been defeated by the Girl of Steel in her own world. Red Tornado and Metallo are joined by Overgirl,
When Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters in less than a month, there will be one question on everyone’s mind. Namely, why is it time for the Jedi to end, and what comes next? After those words were uttered by Luke Skywalker at the end of the first trailer, the meaning of that statement
Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, as well as his homeland of Atlantis, weren’t always relegated to the limited screen time they ultimately received in Justice League. However, the actor insists there’s good reason behind so many of his scenes being cut RELATED: Which Justice League Trailer Scenes Don’t Appear in the Movie? “The challenging part is [the
Sweets Paradise, a chain of Japanese cafes specialising in sweet goods, is teaming up with the Fullmetal Alchemist TV anime for a series of collaborative main courses and desserts available from Nov. 20. The collaborative menu has been themed around the Fullmetal Alchemist universe and of course includes dishes inspired by characters from the show!
TV anime URAHARA, themed around and set in Harajuku, started airing on Oct. 4. In honor of the anime’s location, a special limited edition cafe is opening right in Harajuku: the URAHARA x 2.5SPINNS x SweetsParadise collaborative cafe! Centered in a shop named PARK, URAHARA takes viewers around Harajuku including popular locations like Takeshita Street,
There’s no question that the most memorable aspect of James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies is the soundtrack. Gunn is meticulous about his music choices, and no character in the series is more representative of that than Groot, the treelike alien who found new life in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 as Baby
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for “Wake Up,” the latest episode of Supergirl. Reign has officially arrived on Supergirl. Though Samantha, the woman who was destined to become the Worldkiller, has had a role on the show since the Season 3 premiere, her alter ego Reign hasn’t surfaced — until now. In “Wake
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for “Wake Up,” the latest episode of Supergirl. The mystery of Mon-El’s disappearance has been solved. In “Wake Up,” the latest episode of Supergirl, Mon-El was discovered on the ship in National City harbor. Over the course of the episode, he revealed where he had been for the
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. must escape the impossible in an extended trailer for Season 5, which is packed with alien action. Hailing from Entertainment Weekly, the new trailer offers a glimpse of footage not shown at this past New York Comic Con, including a handful of new Kree characters and a cult of “true believers”
For your convenience, CBR has compiled an index of our Justice League-related features. Whether you’d like to spoil the film before checking it out for yourself, or just want to mull over some deep-dives and analyses, we’ve got you covered. We have a lot of Justice League content, ranging from reviews to explainers, and everything
Speaking at a panel for Vulture Fest LA this weekend, Damon Lindelof (Lost, Star Trek) discussed his in-development Watchmen TV adaptation at HBO, praising the source material and its writer, Alan Moore, in addition to teasing a “timely” TV series that takes an honest look at superheroes. “Watchmen – it was dangerous,” Lindelof said of
Among the many scenes depicted in a newly revealed series of photos from director Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, fans get a glimpse at a scene in which Kylo Ren brings Rey to Supreme Leader Snoke, in addition to a tease of the First Order’s nifty AT-M6s. RELATED: New Star Wars: The Last