
The Last Jedi Photo of Supreme Leader Snoke is Frightening

With Star Wars: The Last Jedi due out in theaters in just a few weeks, a new look at Supreme Leader Snoke has hit the Internet.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens introduced the leader of the villainous First Order in hologram form. Now, The Last Jedi promises to show him in flesh and blood for the first time. This new photo, debuting via Empire, gives us a sense of just how truly mangled his body is.

Asked about the nature of the character he plays, Andy Serkis told Empire “Snoke is bloody dark; way darker than Palpatine.” He went on to describe how his body informs us of his nature, mentioning that “he’s riddled with this osteoporosis so his body’s twisted, like a corkscrew.” Serkis continued, “he’s incredibly damaged, so there’s a bizarre vulnerability about him.”

The actor was quick to point out just how dangerous Snoke can be, hinting that “beneath that vulnerability, though, is this intense hatred.” It’s also possible we could learn more about where that hatred comes from. “He’s definitely not a Sith, but he’s certainly at the darker end of the Force. Without giving too much away, that begins to unfold a little in this one.”

Arriving Dec. 15, Star Wars: The Last Jedi stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Kely Marie Tran, Gwendoline Christie, Domnhall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.

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