Crisis on Earth-X Ends With Double Wedding

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4,” the fourth episode of this year’s Arrowverse crossover.

“Crisis on Earth-X,” this year’s Arrowverse crossover, ended with wedding bells. The conclusion to the four-show crossover saw Barry Allen, Iris West, Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak in a park together on a nice fall day, where both couples decided to get married to one another.

After Kara and Alex Danvers breached back to their Earth, Felicity lamented over Barry and Iris’ decision to have a courthouse wedding in lieu of the ceremony that got interrupted by Nazis. Iris pointed out that they only needed to exchange vows for it to be official, prompting Barry to ask Oliver if he could marry them as mayor. Unfortunately, that was a no-go, since Oliver’s jurisdiction to do so is only within the confines of Star City. However, Felicity had a bright idea: their good friend Diggle could marry them, as he had been ordained to officiate for his brother Andy’s wedding.

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Without another word, Barry zipped over to Star City and brought Diggle back to Central City with him, causing Diggle to vomit. “A little warning, next time?” he asked, pointing an accusing finger at Barry.

Once he got over the motion sickness, Diggle was honored to officiate Barry and Iris’ marriage. Oliver and Felicity stood as witnesses to the marriage, with Felicity flanking Iris and Oliver at Barry’s side. Barry and Iris read off their wedding vows, recounting a lifelong relationship filled with love, happiness and support.

RELATED: Arrowverse: Crisis on Earth-X Delivers Oliver/Felicity Developments

Just as Diggle went to pronounce Barry and Iris as man and wife, Felicity interrupted. It seemed as though she had changed her mind, and she asked Oliver to marry her right then and there. Oliver, of course, agreed without hesitation, and they said their vows to one another. Without any further ado, Diggle completed his part and announced both couples as man and wife.

This crossover-ending double wedding signals a big status quo change for Arrow, seeing as Oliver and Felicity weren’t even engaged before they left Star City. The fallout of their decision will likely be explored in “Irreconcilable Differences,” next week’s midseason finale. Barry and Iris’ marriage was more expected, since everyone was in town for their wedding; however, they way they went through with it still managed to be a surprise.

This year’s four-part crossover “Crisis on Earth-X” will air across two nights, beginning Monday, Nov. 27 with Supergirl and Arrow (on a special night for one week only) and concluding Tuesday, Nov. 28 with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

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