Heatwave Flirts With Killer Frost in Arrowverse Crossover

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow‘s Heatwave wants to trade one cold-themed partner for another. In “Crisis on Earth-X,” this year’s four-show Arrowverse crossover, Mick Rory won’t be shy about his feelings for The Flash‘s ice-cold villain Killer Frost. During a set visit, Heatwave actor Dominic Purcell teased his interactions with her.

“I mean, he’s just taking the piss out of everyone, it seems, on the four shows,” Purcell said with a laugh. “He’s just having a blast, having a lot of fun. If there’s one character [he has fun interactions with], Rory has the hots for Killer Frost. Rory has a thing for Killer Frost, yes. So he’s had a crush on her for quite some time. Whether or not that will develop into anything, I doubt it, because I’m not sure if Rory can be tamed at this point.”

RELATED: Legends of Tomorrow’s Heatwave Teases Dynamic with Citizen Cold

Danielle Panabaker, who plays Killer Frost, also weighed in on the crossover and Mick Rory’s new attraction to her character. “It was a lot of fun. Obviously, last year I had my powers sort of, but didn’t cross over to as many of the other shows, really just went to Legends, and this year was nice because I finally got the chance to sort of suit up, as it were, and get out there and fight with everyone,” she shared.

“Although, there was a surreal moment during filming the crossover,” she continued. “We were on our stages, we were on Flash stages, but we were on a different show. I think I was on Legends, and so there’s actors from Legends, Flash, I think Supergirl, and people from Arrow were coming in. And people from Arrow were meeting people from Legends for the first time and it was very surreal for me to be like, ‘Wait, you guys don’t already know each other?’ It was very odd to me.

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“Both Caitlin and Killer Frost do get to interact a little bit more with a lot of different characters in our universe. Some of them she knew from before — like, I have some really funny interactions with Dom [Purcell], with his character. Heatwave’s really into Killer Frost,” she added.

This year’s four-part crossover “Crisis on Earth-X” will air across two nights, beginning Monday, Nov. 27 with Supergirl and Arrow (on a special night for one week only) and concluding Tuesday, Nov. 28 with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

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