
Lose Yourself in Manga Sound Effects With Manga Mapping!

The first in a series of free “Manga Mapping” interactive events, “onomatopée”, will take place at Basement GINZA on Nov. 25 and 26.

The Manga Mapping Project uses the latest projection mapping technology to move manga beyond the page and into the realms of 3D art.

The theme for the first session is inspired by the unique sound effects represented by text found in manga. The project takes the textual representations off the page and realises them so you can experience the effects in the real world as sound levels grow and shrink along with the videographic representations.

Sound artist Sam is Ohm will be providing the soundscape for the event.

Manga Mapping! Vol. 00: onomatopée takes place at Basement GINZA (in the basement of Ploom shop, Ginza) on Nov. 25 & 26, 11am to 9pm and entrance is free (must be 20 years old or above to enter).

Adapted with permission from SPICE

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