
Darren Aronofsky Would Like to Direct a Superman Movie

Darren Aronofsky, who was at one point rumored to direct Man of Steel, wouldn’t mind another shot at a Superman film.

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While promoting Mother!, the filmmaker was asked which superhero property he would most like to work on. “I mean, you know, Superman would always be interesting,” he told CinePop, “but they’re already deep into reinventing him, so that’s not going to happen for a long time.”

It’s clear that if he does have a Superman movie in mind, it’s likely a far different take on the character than what’s now depicted in the DC Extended Universe.

Aronofsky’s on the current interpretation of the character have been positive. In 2014 he said, “I thought Zack [Snyder] was a great choice [for Man of Steel], and I loved his Watchmen movie.” He continued, “I thought it was great. I thought that as a fan of the comic, you couldn’t hope for a better interpretation. I liked the orthodoxy of it.”

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The filmmaker concluded his comments on a bit of sour note, explaining that “a lot of the great superhero titles are done, people have used them up. So now it’s kinda characters that aren’t as interesting. However, he added, “you never know. We’ll see what comes my way.”

Aronofsky is certainly no stranger to comics book adaptations, as began development of Batman: Year One before the project was abandoned in 2002, and years later was attached to The Wolverine, but was succeeded behind the camera by James Mangold.

(via Batman-News)

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