Winn Has a Leadership Role in Supergirl S3

Supergirl‘s Winslow “Winn” Schott is moving on up in the world. According to Jeremy Jordan, who plays the IT-guy-turned-DEO-agent, Winn will take on a leadership role in Season 3. At Comic-Con International in San Diego, Jordan reflected on how his character has changed and what next season has in store for him.

“I think he’s gained a lot of confidence since Season 1. He didn’t really have any idea of what he was really capable of until he was allowed to go work at the DEO, and now he’s just living his best life,” he shared. “He loves his job, he loves the people he works with. I think he’s continuing to gain confidence. He’s taking more of a leadership role this season at the DEO. We’ll see where that takes him.”

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However, Jordan himself doesn’t know much about that leadership role just yet. Asked to tease what this new position will look like, he said, “I wish I could, but I don’t really know except for just a couple of moments where I yell at people.”

Winn came from a humble beginning as an IT assistant at Cat Grant’s CatCo. However, as soon as Kara told him who she really was, he became entangled in her life as Supergirl. In Season 2, J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, recruited him to work at the DEO (or the Department of Extranormal Operations), where he really came into his own. Per Jordan’s comments, it seems as though his efficiency will lead to a higher position at the government agency.

Returning to The CW on Monday, October 9th at 8 p.m. ET/PT, Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as the Girl of Steel, David Harewood as Martian Manhunter, Mehcad Brooks as Jimmy Olsen, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers and Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott, with appearances by Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant and Tyler Hoechlin as Superman.

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