
Detective Conan Hits 1000th Chapter!

The 1,000th chapter of Detective Conan has appeared in Weekly Shonen Sunday! Commemorating this event, the original cover of the 1st volume of the manga appeared on the cover of Sunday. You can also apply to get a printed movie illustration!

This series began its serialization back in 1994. The 1,000th chapter was in the combined 37 and 38 issues of Weekly Shonen Sunday that went on sale on Aug. 9, and this is the first time this milestone has been reached in this magazine. The appearance of the issue of volume 1 on the cover is also the 1st time it’s appeared in 23 years. Getting to see that older Conan design is incredible, and also a great way to see how far the series has come over these years.

There’s also a special free service going on to celebrate where every applicant will receive a printed illustration from the latest movie, Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter. It captures that climactic scene where Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha are riding together on the motorcycle, and you won’t be able to get it anywhere else.

More than 200,000,000 volumes of Detective Conan have been printed, and Crimson Love Letter earned more than 6,850,000,000 yen in the box office. Beginning with the 1000th chapter, the series is also entering the “Crimson Excursion Arc,” so it’ll be fun to see where the story goes!

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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