
Frank Miller Announces ‘Superman: Year One’-Style Story

Frank Miller plans to do for Superman what he did for the Dark Knight 30 years ago with Batman: Year One.

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The influential writer and artist announced today at Comic-Con International in San Diego that he plans rework the Man of Steel’s origin, from his discovery by the Kents in Smallville to manhood.

“Through Dark Knight I got to touch about all the [characters] at the DC pantheon, but I never really had my real, meaningful crack at Superman,” Miller told Vulture. “In the case of DC Comics, which has by far and away the strongest and richest mythology, there are those three fundamental pillars they have of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. All of the other characters kind of string along underneath of them, which is wonderful.”

Famously pitting Superman against Batman in 1986’s The Dark Knight Returns, Miller earned a reputation for hating the Man of Steel, a notion he dismissed in 2014. “The Dark Knight series is all from Batman’s point of view,” he explained. “But if you look at Dark Knight 2, you’ll see a Superman who’s much calmer than the one in the first Dark Knight. Batman and Superman are dead opposites. I love Superman. Do I love Batman more? They’re not people. They’re only lines on paper.”

Miller, who returned to Superman in 205 with his heavily scrutinized cover for Dark Knight Universe Presents: The Atom #1, revealed last fall that he would like to explore the character’s Jewish roots by returning him to the World War II era in which he was crated.

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